Namoe Choir Competition in Ujong Church 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-15 17:28:55

Do you like singing a song? On July 16th in Ujong Church, Namoe Choir Competition was held, and all classes in Namoe Middle School competed. As all classes competed, a lot of students felt a sense of accomplishment.

▲ Namoe Choir Competition in Ujong Church

To prepare for the Namoe Choir Competition, all classes in Namoe Middle School practiced really hard for about three months. On July 16th, they showed off their ability in singing. The genre of the song choice was free. So, there were unique songs. For example, there was pop music, K-pop music, traditional song, and children's song. Also, the parents enjoyed the competition with other students. Moreover, there were special events. For example, there was a piano battle and orchestra playing. The piano battle was very exciting. It imitated the movie "Unspeakable Secret." The last part of the competition was the awarding ceremony. The first prize was 70,000 won, and the second prize was 50,000 won.
One student who competed in the competition said that it was very hard to prepare for the competition, but it was enjoyable and exciting. Moreover, it was a good chance for students to raise leadership and teamwork in their class. Also, the piano battle was really the same as how it was played in the movie. The condition of the place where students competed was very nice, too. However, it was too far from school to walk. As the student said, it was a good experience for the students in Namoe Middle School, and the place was good. However, the place was too far from their school, so it was hard to go there especially in hot weather. Like this, the Namoe Choir Competition had positive things and negative things.
The Namoe Choir Competition was a good experience for all students in Namoe Middle School. Although there were many hardships and conflicts of opinion, all classes sang very well. Also, many students want this competition to be held again next year.
▲ The Awarding Ceremony


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