Cristiano Ronaldo scores a record 100 goals대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 20:19:47

Cristiano Ronaldo scores a record 100 goals

Christiano Ronaldo has scored 100 goals, ahead of Lionel

Messi at 97

Cristiano Ronaldo set a milestone by hitting 100 goals against Europe. He surpassed numerous legends and and now sits in the highest position. He scored a goal in the first round of the UEFA Champions League (UCL) quarterfinal game at Alliancheu Arena in Munich, Germany, on July 13.

Ronaldo, Karim Benjema and Gareth Bale, were responsible for the attack on the BBC line. Ronaldo shot on Munich throughout the game. In the first fifteen minutes, he aimed at the goal with a menacing free-kick.

Ronaldo scored a goal twice in the second half of the second half of the second round to shoot the net. 32 minutes later, Chargeback Arsenic crossed from the gate.

Ronaldo was competing against Messi, who failed to reach 100 goals. Messi has scored 97 goals in 118 games.

If he scored a hat-trick in the second round, he could have reached 100 goals,

Ronaldo has gone beyond the legends.

First of all, there is a real legend, Raul scored 76 goals in 158 matches.

Pillipo scored 70 goals in 114 matches, Gereuteu scored 77 goals, and Shevchenko scored 67.

Despite these players’ greatness, Ronaldo has topped all of them.

2017 4/20 Kim Dong Bin


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