Two Drama, \"Angel‘s Last Mission: Love\" vs. \"One Spring Night\"대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-27 16:44:59

KBS Wednesday-Thursday drama, "Angel's Last Mission: Love" and MBC Wednesday-

Thursday drama, "One Spring Night" is in competition. "Angel's Last Mission: Love"'s plot is about the fantastic celestial romance of an angel who claims to be a troublemaker who does not believe in love and cupid. On the other hand, "One Spring Night"'s plot is a real-life melodrama with real-life worries, conflicts, and trivialities arising from love. "Angel's Last Mission: Love"'s first episode rating is higher than "One Spring Night".

▲ One Spring Night main poster

▲ Angel`s Last Mission main poster
According to Nielsen Korea, "Angel's Last Mission: Love"'s first rating was 9.2 percent, but "One Spring Night"'s first rating was 3.9 percent. So, the viewers' expectations were so much, but "Angel's Last Mission: Love"'s happiness did not last long, and its rating dropped. By comparison, according to Nielsen Korea, "One Spring Night"'s rating went up and finally, it was heat out "Angel's Last Mission: Love", and it won Wednesday-Thursday drama rating the first. These two dramas had been competing until the last episode, according to Nielsen Korea, "One Spring Night"'s rating was 9.5 percent, and "Angel's Last Mission: Love"'s rating was 7.2 percent. "Angel's Last Mission: Love"'s last episode rating dropped to two percent that the first episode, and "One Spring Night"'s last episode rating went up 5.6 percent.

It was "One Spring Night" that has perfect victory. "One Spring NIght viewers said that it is the best drama of the year that people could relate to. The more we watched it, the more interesting it was.


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