기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-24 08:56:30

There are so many school events in each school such as school sports day, school field trip, school excursion and school arts festival. Among them, Mugeo Elementary School holds MG Star Show every month. Some students of the school can show their talents to the Mugeo Elementary School's students.

This event is one of the exciting event at this school. The school holds a morning assembly in each class every Monday, but on the first Monday, all of the students gather and do the morning assembly and MG Star Show in the school gymnasium. After the morning assembly, the MG Star Show is started. MG is the abbreviation for Mugeo. On this day, students show their talents such as dancing, playing instruments, playing ballet, and singing. In June of 2019, some sixth grade students danced BTS' song perfectly, and some fourth grade students played the guitar, and they were given a big hand from other students and teachers. This event began on April thirteenth, 2015. It is designed to provide students with opportunities for self-expression, to instill dreams and hopes, and to enhance students' innate qualities and creativity.

Students who participated in the performances said that they felt really great as soon as they finished their performances. Resides when students and teachers gave them a big hand, they felt the sense of accomplishment. Moreover, they said that they look forward to the next performances. Like this, on this day, students can show their talents to all of the students in school and they can have more confidence and sense of accomplishment.

Mugeo Elementary School holds MG Star Show every month. This event is a very good chance for students to show their talents. They can have more confidence and feel a sense of accomplishment.


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