A Job that Requires a lot of Effort: Patissier대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-24 08:48:33

A job called patissier is the job of a person who makes bread, cookies, and other desserts. In the 21st century, machines are said to replace many jobs at a time when the Fourth Industrial Revolution takes place. However, a job called patissier is one of the jobs that machines cannot replace because it requires flexibility, quickness, and creativity.

▲ Bread baked by patissier

A patissier makes desserts such as bread cakes, pastries pies chocolates, cookies, and many more. Patissiers usually work at private bakeries or luxury hotels, making cookies and bread. This job demands a lot of speed, creativity, artistry, fusion movement, flexibility, and physical strength.

▲ Desserts made by patissier

Being a patissier is not only a very difficult job after one has this job but also before one becomes a patissier. To become a patissier, one has to enter a university and get a certificate after graduation. It is difficult to obtain a certificate in baking. Each year, 40 percent of those who want to get a bakery license fail. There is a practical skill test and a written test, and one must pass both tests to get a certificate.

▲ Chocolates made by patissier

Kim, who runs a private bakery in Ulsan, said that a patissier demands not only quickness and creativity, but also flexibility, speed, and sophistication that machines cannot do. He said that it is good to learn not only from universities in South Korea but also from countries with excellent baking skills such as France, Belgium, and Japan. He also said that if one has a bakery license, he can run a private bakery like him and work and a famous hotel in South Korea and even abroad. He added that it is most rewarding for him when the customers enjoy his bread and other desserts from his bakery.


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