My School Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-23 16:27:28

▲ Children are doing team project.

Every school year, each subject is evaluated and scored. There was a performance evaluation in the Korean language subject that I was interested in and where I got to know about it. The purpose of the

the project was to develop the ability to choose topics that teams wanted to do in person and to investigate

and explain what they learned to their friends.

One of the team members, Na Yeon, was chosen as the topic by investigating and presenting the topic of comfort women. First, I chose the role that I would like to play in the presentation and research. Second, all team members got ready to present. The presentation presented a survey of each person to evaluate the individual's ability. Finally, when all the teams gave a presentation, the teacher made an assessment.

▲ One of the team members do free-riding.

Kim Jung-a, CEO of ECU STEM, said that presenting the project can improve communication skills. Ye Jin,

who played the role of making a presentation on the project, said that the team project was sometimes disliked by free-ride students, but it was more comfortable and better to clarify the evaluation criteria. If the free-riding fails to accomplish the required work, then a second e-mail is sent notifying a student that he or she is fired along with a copy to the faculty member. Data from 257 undergraduate students are analyzed for the usefulness of You Are Fired method Students are highly supportive of all components and parts of the You Are Fired method. They strongly support the effectiveness of this method to prevent free-riding on performing team projects.

Some of the students say that private projects are better than team projects because of free-riding issues. Teachers need to establish a clear set of criteria to solve the free-riding problem.


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