All About a Doctor대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-23 16:18:23

What do you think which is the hardest job? There are a lot of jobs, but one of them is doctor. Doctor is one of the adolescents dream jobs. However, it needs lots of hard work to be a doctor. After completing the long processes, one can get a license and cure diseases of patients.

There are a lot of hard processes to become a doctor. First, you should go to a medical university. However, all of your subjects grades must be high, and you should be the top student in your high school to go there. Next, you will have to study two years of preparatory course and four years of the main course. The preparatory course and main course are important because you should take a state examination after taking them. If you do not pass in the examination, you will go through those courses again. However, if you pass the examination, you will be an intern for a year and a resident for 4 years. These are the last steps before taking the final examination. After all these processes, you should take a medical examination. Finally, if you pass this examination, you can be a doctor eventually. The courses to take to be a doctor are so complex and hard that many people experience great suffering. To be a doctor, one should have a lot of passion and efforts.

▲ You should study hard to be a doctor.

When you become a doctor, you have to cure the illnesses of patients. In the process of curing diseases of patients, there are many works to do. You should prescribe drugs to patients, treat to operate patients and help prevent diseases from getting worse. There are still lots of works to do when you become a doctor. However, doctors often feel good when they treat the diseases of patients. In an interview with Dr. Lee Suk-Joo, he said that the hardest part of becoming a doctor was studying. He had to study various subjects all the time. Also, he had troubles in communicating with patients sometimes, and it was very difficult for him. However, he mentioned that he was very happy and filled with pride when his patients became healthy.

▲ There are a lot of difficult processes to be a doctor.

Doctors should pass the difficult processes and always be careful. These are the reasons why being a doctor is hard. If you have your own dream, you should make sure that you know about it well.


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