The Opening of ‘H Busan Hydrogen Fuel Station‘대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-23 16:04:13

Hyundai vice president, Lee Kwung Guk, said that the 'H Busan Hydrogen Fuel Station' would increase hydrogen fuel cell car supply and become the priming water of the hydrogen fuel cell industry.

Hyundai revealed to operate urban hydrogen station which is called H Busan Hydrogen Fuel Station on August 23rd. After the celebration of completion, the fuel cell bus delivery show also went ahead.

▲ `H Busan Hydrogen Station`
▲ The celebration of completion of `H Busan Hydrogen Station`

On that day, the local government, National Assembly, and Hyundai officials attended this celebration of completion. ' H Busan Hydrogen Fuel Station' was installed by the mutual cooperation of MOU which started activation of hydrogen fuel cell car supply and amplifying hydrogen fuel cell infrastructure in September last year for competitiveness in hydrogen industry and the growth of the related industry. 'H Busan Hydrogen Fuel Station' can charge both CNG fuel and hydrogen in one station converted into multi-station. It has 25 kg/h charge capacity which can charge over five fuel cell cars in an hour. It opened at 8 am and closed at 10 pm so that no fuel-cell car could be charged on that day. After the celebration of completion, the fuel cell bus delivery show also went ahead. Hyundai's advanced hydrogen fuel cell bus can drive 420km in a charge. If it runs 1 km with purifying 4.863 kg air, 0.4 million air can be purified, and that is fresh air for seventy-six people in a year. Busan City revealed to spread 550 hydrogen fuel cell cars and five fuel cell buses with this year. It also stated to spread four thousand five hundred fuel cell cars and abandoned fuel cell buses by 2020.

▲ The hydrogen fuel cell bus delivery show

Hyundai will open the hydrogen station in the highways in Ausung, Yuju, Hanam, Hanuman and in urban areas in Seoul.

Sep 7th, 2019

by Kwak Gyeong Min


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