Variation Type Class System; Does It Really Fit to Korean Education?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-23 15:59:10

▲ The ministry of Education of Seoul, ⓒyouthjosun

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology carried forward a western-style school system called variation type(subject-based) class. This system started in 2009, and nowadays, most schools and the local Ministry of Education adopt it.

▲ Blue house national petition ˝abolition of the variation type class system˝ ▶

However, the variation type class system has many problems. Lack of time to move, theft problems, and inefficiency in school structure are the most typical examples. People's reactions are also quite bad. Especially, students are opposed to it, and they have very negative responses about it. Moreover, even there was a petition raised by a student. He requested to stop adopting and executing variation type class system mentioning the substantive problems that he experienced in his school life.

▲ Most Korean High School Classrooms ⓒwickedsmart

▲ Most Korean High School Hallway ⓒwickedsmart

The first reason why these problems were raised is the discordance between the Korean Education style and western-style school system. First of all, there is a critical problem in class. The Korean school system is clearly divided between the homeroom teacher and his or her class, and no matter how different the system is adopted, it is only the movement of the entire class. It is quite inefficient. The second problem is the architectural difference. With an old design, the variation type class system is worthless. The shortage of class is the major problem. Also, there are differences between education styles. Unlike Western education methods that place importance on the content of activities, frequent movements and unstable environments place a heavy burden on Korean students due to the Korean educational nature that values tests and grades.

Likewise, there are lots of inconvenience about this variation type class system. Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology have to reconsider about their politics and introspect themselves if they didn't infatuate with the occidental civilization. Indeed, it is also necessary to straighten out the fact that no results are coming out as efficient as they think.

Sep. 8th, 2019

By Lee Hyun-seo


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