South Koreans‘ Love: Music대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-18 12:10:24

Nowadays, people around the world usually live with music. There are many genres of music, such as ballad, pop music, orchestra and many more. When we move to other places or study in a cage, most people choose their type of music to listen to. In the past, people also listened to music, however, they had a hard time to listen to music because they had to listen to music only at their home. Also, there were a few music programs like the college song festival.

▲ the picture of new music applications in South Korea

These days, people can listen to music anywhere because of technology and the improving skills of music. First, there are many kinds of music applications on their cell phone. When people download a music application and pay for it, they can enjoy their favorite music, search many kinds of music every time, and connect to their cars by using Bluetooth. So, they can listen anywhere. Second, they want, there are useful music accessories such as earphones and speakers. Because many people listen to many songs, these accessories improve in succession for people's convenience like wireless earphones. For these reasons, people can listen to music and experience music anywhere.

▲ the picture of wireless earphone

Around the world, there are many kinds of music programs, so people usually experience many kinds of music and find their favorite genres and singers. Also, in South Korea, there are many kinds of music programs. South Korean music programs are usually audition programs focused on finding and making the best singers, and some programs are introducing singers' music and showing their performance. These days, there is a very unique music program, "Super Band". People usually thought that the band's music is rock: however, this program has broken South Koreans' stereotype. So, these days, some South Koreans like to listen to band music, and many band festivals are also held. Like this, music programs change people's stereotype and introducing new songs and singers.

▲ the poster of South Korean music program, ˝Super Band˝

These days, because of improving skills and many music programs, South Koreans and people around the world usually listen to music more than the past.

Sep. 7th, 2019

By Hwang Sebin


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