The National Textbook of Park Geun-hye대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 02:48:57

     In South Korea, Park Geun-hye, the past president , made a national textbook to be published. It is a book which shows that the nation intervene the process of publication. However, the national textbook of Park Geun-hye has some problems, so many people oppossed to use it.
     The book, which was published by Park Geun-hye, has some problems. It was made to distort the history of South Korea. In the history, there is a story about her father, Park Chung-hee, the last president, was a military dictator. So, when you read the history book, you cannot find the story about strengths. However, in national textbook, there is no procees of development and even historical significance. Also, she made it beautiful. Many experts said that this book is not for Korean people and think that they must be gone in the world.
     Deodong High School in Gwangju tried to use the national textbook. However, when many parents know that, they started to blame the school and protest to make the high school do not use the national textbook. Also, parents requested an appointment, so the school did not receive that book. Also, a member of the National Assembly said that people have to shed new light on the national textbook.
     Park Geun-hye's national textbook made people angry and got into a conflict. The national textbook is not for us and distorted the history for Park Chung-hee. It has to disappear as soon as possible.

                             April 16th, by Park Seonhye


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