Who Protects Our Rights?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-09-02 17:58:00

“The time has passed to talk about the ethical value of the student human rights ordinance. It is necessary for students who are relatively weak socially."

▲ Students in the forum write their opinions on various topics about human rights in Post-it. - Go Seoyun

On April 2nd, Jeonbuk Foreign Language High School held a student human rights forum to celebrate Jeonbuk Student Human Rights Day. An interview with the student council president Ga-Young Song who planned the event. Ga-Young Song appeared a little nervous before starting the interview, but soon she answers the questions with a light smile. It was dazzling that the student council president confidently asserted student human rights.

She said, "The process of sharing opinions among students at the forum and learning about elements of human rights violation is paramount. It will greatly help to improve human rights in schools by sharing these students' opinions with schools." When asked if there is anything in school regulations that do not comply with Jeonbuk student rights ordinance, she replied, "Even after the revision, there are still a lot of things to be discussed. Students', teachers', and parents' awareness should improve one after another. If that happens, the ordinance will help students when they suffer from human rights violations."

▲ The results of a survey of 112 school students. - Go Seoyun

Along with the interview with student council leaders, a survey of 112 first and second graders at JFLHS found that 45.5% of the students were unaware of the ordinance. It turns out that generally, the sophomore class is more familiar with the ordinance than the freshmen class is.

When students properly understand and demand the value of rights that should be guaranteed,
their human rights will be fortified and ideal schools can be created with their own hands. Harmony between schools and students is expected to be more necessary so students can lead independent school lives, following their rights. I am looking forward to seeing a JFLHS, where students' opinions are actively accepted and promoted.

by Go Seoyun


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