King Sejong대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-31 11:37:15

King Sejong
who is the influential figure in Korea

By Young Eun Choi

King Sejong is the fourth king of Josun who made Hanguel that Korean use today. When he was young, he liked books, so he was always with books. And when he grew up to be the king of Josun, he did many achievements for people. As many people know, King Sejong created Hanguel for people who did not know the Chinese character which had been the letter of Josun. He did not only making Hanguel but also beneficent things.

▲ the picture of King Sejong

First of all, King Sejong created Hanguel which is used until today. One day in Josun, an epidemic burst out, and Sejong put some guidance to take refuge in Chinese character, however, general people except Yangbans, could not understand the guidance because they could not study Chinese character. So, the epidemic spread further. By this instance, King Sejong decided to make own word. He tried hard to make own letter with scholars in Jiphunjeon, which was the traditional academy in Josun. And the letters were made then are used by Koreans. Since this achievement of King Sejong is great, it is also the subject of many movies.

▲ the picture of Hunminjeongeum

Next, he made other achievements for people who are unknown well but very good. First, he gave clothes to people more than 100 years old, and invited to the palace and opened a feast for people more than 80 years old. Next, as he loved his people, he gave baby rest to mothers for 100 days, and husbands to protect their wives.
National Gugak Center said that Sejong is the person who led Korea to the ' Renaissance in Korea' . Although he is the king who remained a lot of achievements, according to his family history, he was not that happy. He lost his sons, daughters, and even his wife. To forget these hard experiences, he studied much harder, and his health became very bad.
King Sejong is an influential figure in Korea as he made Hanguel which Korean use until today. He loved his country's people and made lots of beneficent achievements. So, he is an influential figure in Korea not only as made Hanguel, but also we have many things to follow good points from him.


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