\"Sewol Ribbon\" Cloud Highlights Salvage Operation대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 02:24:53

    In 2014, a terrible accident happened. It was the sinking of the Sewol ferry. Sewol ferry was carrying 476 people including students of Danwon High School. Only 172 out of 476 people survived. That is because the government has acted poorly because of many casualties.

     There are several reasons for the sinking of the Sewol ferry. First, it loaded too much cargo. There was too much cargo on the ship, so the ship went overboard. Second, the weight was tilted to one side when it shifted the cargo, not the proper fitting. As the weight suddenly dropped, the boat lurched. The last was known recently, but the part of the cargo was not covered by a tent, and it was unable to block the inflow of seawater. For this reason, Sewol ferry sank. First of all, the crew and the captain, told the passengers to wait. They were heavily criticized for failing to fulfill their responsibilities as a general manager. The captain was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder. For the other reason, the coast guard acted passively on the rescue effort. Many people were not rescued because of their passive behavior.

     The place where the Sewol ferry sank is where the tides are very strong. So, it is a very difficult place to carry out salvage. However, due to the deadline for lifting the lifting conditions in late March, the decision was decided to take salvage operation. On that day, people were surprised to see the ribbon shaped like a ribbon in the sky. The shape of the ribbon symbolizes the memorial of Sewol accident. People are surprised because there is a ribbon shaped like a ribbon on the sky.

     The Sewol ferry accident gave us a lot of lessons and pains. It made us think again about safety. Also, gave pain and sorrow to the victims' families. Through this incident, South Korea should reconsider about disaster countermeasure. Moreover, it was a matter of knowing how much the overall responsibilities of the general manager could have.

April 15th by Park Seong-uck


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