Jeju Island, Popular Place in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-14 14:50:24

▲ Jeju lsland

What is a famous place in your country? Do you know Jeju Island? Jeju Island is a famous place in South Korea as a volcanic island. According to Post Magazine, it is also known as the Hawaii of South Korea. Also, Jeju was selected as one of the New Seven Wonders of Nature in 2011. Therefore, there are lots of foreign tourists visiting Jeju every year.

To begin with, Jeju Island’s environment and the place are very beautiful. The sea around Jeju Island is amazing. Jeju Island has a famous mountain named Halla Mountain, which is the highest mountain in South Korea. It was made by the volcano. Thus, in Jeju Island, you can easily find stones such as granite and basalt (made by lava from the volcano). The basalt is the type of rock with many small holes in it and the granite is lightly colored one.

Jeju Island's specialty is Hanrabong, a very delicious fruit which looks like an orange. Thus, there are also many Hanrabong orchards. Many tourists say, “I like Jeju Island because of its scenery and delicious foods”

To sum up, Jeju Island is one of the most popular places in South Korea where people can see and experience what it was like to live in the past. Traveling to Jeju Island will give you a very good experience.


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