Physical Education for Adolescents대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-14 14:45:56

▲ students playing in PE class

Physical Education is one of the most valuable classes for youth. According to Professor Erics, “The children who had enough physical activities through PE class achieved better grades when compared to others who did not have PE class.” Some people think that physical education is not as important as math or science. However, physical education has many advantages. Also, teenagers are most likely to do physical activities through PE class.

First, through physical education, you can build teamwork and gain strength. While playing team sports, such as soccer and dodge ball, we can build teamwork by playing and talking together. Also, our bodies will be strengthened because we use them to play sports or do some activities. By playing sports, our bodies can be developed both physically and mentally.

Furthermore, physical education is not boring unlike other subjects, such as math, science, and social studies. Kim Se-Jong, a middle school student at Shin Jang, said “I always feel sleepy in math, science, and social studies. However, when it is time to go to the school yard to play sports in a physical education class, I am always very excited, and I do not feel sleepy.” Lots of teenagers like physical education the best among other subjects they study in school.

Finally, by building up physical strength, adolescents can get better grades in other major subjects such as math. As Professor Erics said, “Having sound physical strength is the main key for teenagers to show good performance in their studies.”


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