Rose Festival in Ulsan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-08 09:27:31

▲ This is the picture of roses in Ulsan.

Do you like roses? Moreover, have you ever seen a very large rose garden? In my town, Ulsan, the Rose Festival is held in a huge rose garden every year.

This year, the Rose Festival was held from May 22nd to May 26th. It was celebrated for 4 days in Ulsan Great Park's Rose Garden. There were many sightseeing places including three million various roses, various animals, a variety of playground activities and many delicious foods. The entrance fee for this festival is not very expensive. The entrance fee for adults is 2000 won, 1000 won for teens, and 500 won for children. However, people over 65 years old are free if they present an identification card. So, many people come to this festival, and it is hard to park a car. People can just park at the south gate parking lot or at the wayside.

There are many citizens' and tourists' opinions about Ulsan Rose Festival. According to UBC News (Ulsan Local Broadcast) interview, to Pohang city's citizens, Seo Jiwon and Lee Minhye, they said the festival was so good, and I liked those various kinds of roses because they were very beautiful. Also, according to Ulsan Jeil Daily Reporter's interview, a citizen said, that the festival was good because there were delicious foods, excellent singers, performances, various playground activities, and animals shows. Lastly, according to Ulsan government, Ulsan Rose Festival is the largest festival in all rose festivals in South Korea.

Many people visited Ulsan and enjoyed this festival. Moreover, they recommended and were satisfied at this festival. However, regrettably, this festival finished this year, but it will be held again next year. If you were not able to participate in this year's festival, try to participate in the next year's festival and enjoy it.

▲ People are enjoying the festival.


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