South Korea and Japan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-08 09:54:46

From the old days, the relationship between South Korea and Japan has not been good. In 1910, Korea was stolen national rights, and then, Korea became Japan's colony. During the Japanese colonial empire, the Japanese killed many Koreans and distressed Koreans such as forced labor and Japanese military sexual slavery. Today, however, when you watch the news, you can hear about South Korea and Japan's relationship. Because of this relationship, many South Koreans participate in boycott Japan. To do this, they throw away their products that are from Japan, and also, they cancel their travel to Japan.

▲ the picture of boycott Japan

Why South Korea started this boycott? During the long period of time, forced labor and Japanese military sexual slaves should be paid by Japanese for the great damage. For this reason, South Korea and Japan struggled. A few days ago, the court of law judged that Japan made effort to heal South Korean's suffering and wounds during the colony. However, Japan rejected to do this, so they said that Japan does not export the materials for semiconductor to South Korea. When we have not exported those materials from Japan, we will face big damage and will have trouble in making semiconductor. For these reasons, we started resisting by not buying products made in Japan and throwing away.

▲ the poster of boycott Japan

In South Korea, there are many stores selling products made in Japan. When we start to boycott Japan, people provide the list of products from Japan on the Internet. To resist Japanese action, South Koreans usually buy products made in South Korea, sellers sometimes do not display Japanese products and promote Korean products, and students make campaigns about throwing away their pens, pencils, pencil cases, and notebooks. When we travel to Japan, we spend much money, so some people also cancel their appointments to do this.

▲ the picture of the list of products made in Japan

Sometimes, the CEO in Japanese companies ignored South Korean boycott and said that this boycott must stop in a short time. For their attitude, more people in South Korea participate in the boycott. To reject Japan, we make efforts to reject them.

July. 27.2019

By Sebin Hwang


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