UCC Project in Shinil대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-21 14:41:20

These days, many people lay stress on creativity, so the number of people making User Created Contents (UCC) contests are increasing. Therefore, in Korean classes at Shinil Middle School students watch UCC videos made by teenagers. Then, they form six- membered teams and decide on a topic that is an object of public concern. Finally, by recording a video and watching it, students can remind people about social problems.

▲ The example of UCC contest

UCC project is a project which takes a long time. Before recording a video, students form six-membered teams and decide on a topic which is an object of public concern. For instance, they can choose a topic about school violence, garbage littering, energy conservation, and many others. After deciding the topic, they should think about how to record the video and should write an outline for the video. It is important to write an outline for the video because the outline serves as the basis of the recording. They should decide on a suitable place and time to record.

After recording the video, they should edit it. For this part as well, they should distribute roles. For example, they must assign someone to be in charge of finding and adding background music, adding various effects, adding interesting subtitles and many others. Finally, they must watch the UCC videos including the other teams' UCC videos. They must remind people of the topic they chose.

▲ The picture example of editing video

Most students are satisfied with this project, the UCC project. Mingyung Kim, a student of Shinil Middle School, said that she was able to get a chance to realize various social issues. Also, through her topic about garbage littering, people could get a lot of information, and she could remind them not to throw their trash on the streets. A number of students were given good grades for satisfactory UCC project.

The second-grade students of Shinil Middle School do this project, however, many students in other grades also want to do this project. Also, many second grade students want to do the UCC project covering a wider range of topics. Many students will be able to experience this project next year.


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