Rose Festival in Ulsan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-08 10:08:00

Have you ever heard about the Rose Festival in Ulsan? This festival is one of the most famous festivals in Ulsan. The venue of this festival is in Ulsan Grand Park South Gate. This festival is held from May 22nd to 26th. The festival starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 8 p.m. Many famous singers come to this festival, and people can eat a lot of delicious food.

▲ The poster of Ulsan Roes Festival.

The Rose Festival in Ulsan has a breathtaking view of three million roses. The entrance fee of this festival varies. It is 2000 won for adults, 1000 won for teenagers and 500 won for children, and the people older than 65 years old are free. Many famous singers come to this festival such as Red Cheek Puberty, YB band and many others. Moreover, there are many delicious foods in this festival such as tteokbokki, chicken, sausage, curry rice, and beer. In this festival, vendors sell a lot of Korean food, so foreigners like this festival. If you want to join in a parade in this festival, you can do what you want. The parade is held at night because the organizers will show beautiful lights for the visitors to witness. In the Ulsan Grand Park, the make a big neon sign for the festival. Its shape is rose, so people can take a lot of pictures of it, and this place becomes a hot place.

▲ There are three million roses.

The blogger named Rian said that the rose festival is a very enjoyable and wonderful festival in Ulsan. So, she wanted to visit this festival next time. A foreigner who visited this festival also said that this festival is very good festival because it teaches about Korean culture to her. Also, she said that Korean tteokbokki is very delicious.

Like these, people who join in this rose festival have very wonderful and happy memories. The Rose Festival provides good memories to all visitors. The Ulsan Metropolitan City and SK energy host this festival.


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