Anisakis Infection in School Lunch대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-06 18:30:51

Last month, June 2oth, students of a high school in Incheon were affected by infections from their lunch menu. Though they uploaded the picture of their lunch and complained about their school, the school's reaction was very unrespectful and made the students and their parents get mad.

▲ The picture of Anisakis in school lunch

After the school officials found that a lot of students were affected by Anisakis infections from the frozen fish, one of them said that there was a mistake at school. There was something they should look at during the cleaning process, but they did not look clearly. In addition, the school said that they found no students complained about stomach pains or vomiting, adding that it will pay more attention to the inspection and cleaning of feed materials in the future.

However, there were some problems between the students and the school. The first who was affected by Anisakis infections was a girl. After she and her friends complained to the school, the nutritionist first said they were using fresh but at last, they admitted that students were actually affected by Anisakis infections. When students kept complaining, the school president said that the girls only cared about what they felt, but boys just ate the lunch. Also, they chased and yelled to the reporters in order to make them not to upload any articles. Therefore, students and their parents were complaining about the school's failure to receive a responsible apology and putting photos in school media. Moreover, the next day from that incident, students found the sandwich bread with blue mold on it, and this school had a problem the same with this in 2013, too.

▲ Anisakis in raw fish

Anisakis in infections is caused by the parasite which lives in whales and fish. when they fo through the human's body, that person might have stomach pains, nausea, vomiting, and allergic reactions. Moreover, they will get weak at heat and cold. Therefore, to prevent this kind of infections, fish should be fully cooked and kept frozen. Of course, the school must check the ingredients of the menu to make this kind of accident never to happen anymore.

▲ Picture of Anisakis in human`s body


by Lee Yeonseo


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