How can we go to Microsoft?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-12 01:19:52

 Last winter of 2017, We went to the traveling for motivation by ourselves.

Our team visited Microsoft, Police center, and so on. Most of all, Microsoft gave us shocked.

 First, The visitor center welcomes guests with various experiential facilities and hologram.

Its mean is that they always ready to show a student about motivation for there company.

 Secondly, there is no limit to the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria, if you eat enough food to eat and the drink is free. They do not frugal  about their employees' welfare.

 That time, we could meet a local Korean employee at Microsoft. How did you come to study as a Korean person, how you are working now.

It was really nice to hear a lot of realistic stories from a company called Microsoft and a person in the United States.

Microsoft values infinite possibilities rather than individual education.

It's like embracing the diverse ideas of everyone from employees to customers.

 After this traveling, we must had to search that how can we go to this company?

Normally, the admissions office of an American university chooses foreign students

There are five kinds of things.

① SAT I (Verbal, Meth, Writing) 점수

② SATⅡ (수학, 과학) 점수 - 상위권 대학 진학시 요구

③ 토플 점수

④ 고교 내신 성적(GPA)

⑤ 특별활동 내용(Extra-curriculum)

 Among the above items, the most difficult thing for foreign students

It is the SAT I English test. Writing. For American students, English and mathematics scores are similar,

For Korean students, math is very high, but English scores are quite low.

 The reason is that mathematics is higher in curriculum in Korea than in the United States,If you take the SAT test multiple times, your score will be adversely affected.

However, you can only score the final score higher than the final score.

 And one of the important things in the US student selection criteria is 'How well do you study right now?' But rather on the aspect of the school in question, "how

likely are you a student in the future?" In other words, it is very important that the process of applying for admission is more important than the simple result.

 Admissions officers are said to spend three minutes to see the student's performance and 10 minutes to view the essay three times more. This is the essence of your personality that takes up a lot of weight in the US entrance examination.

 In the Korean curriculum, there is a considerable lack of education to write your thoughts.



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