We Want 3D Printers!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-06 18:19:58
  • 수정 2019-08-06 18:20:45

Do you believe that a printer can build the house? In 2018, Nantes, France built a house in 54 hours that five people can live in it. These days, many fields need and our 3D printers. 3D printers' usage is growing, so the impact of them on us is getting stronger and stronger.

▲ 3D printer

3D printers are printers that print an object in three dimensions. They can be divided into three parts such as solid, liquid, and powder. They have lots of advantages. They do not need many materials. Also, they are lighter, smaller, and their materials are cheaper than concrete, plastic, and others. Moreover, the working time is consumed decreased, so they do not need many workers.

▲ product that made by 3D printer

We can use 3D printers in many ways. We can use them in three major areas: health care, construction, and fashion. First, 3D printer health care is usually seen and used in a hospital. Doctors invent surgical equipment with 3D printers. So, doctors can practice with it. Then, surgery mistakes will less. Second, the construction field uses 3D printers' materials are cheap and light, and they can build building fast. For example, people in China build then houses a day with 3D printers. It will be difficult if they build using only ordinary materials. Lastly, 3D printers can be used in fashion. IF we put flexible materials in 3D prints, they can make clothes and shoes with flexible fabric.

We are living in a modern industry that requires 3D printers. So, we have to give an interest in 3D printers. Their view is very bright because they have advantages, so our society will use them more and more. I hope many people will get interested in 3D printers.


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