The Most Famous Place in Ulsan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-06 18:11:19

Do you know the best sunrise destination on the East Coast of South Korea? It is a place where the sun rises earliest in South Korea. It is the Ulsan Gangseolseot Sunrise. In fact, Gangseolseot in Ulsan is one of the first sunrise points in South Korea, and many tourists travel there for long weekends. So, Gangseolseot has been receiving lots of love and interests from many tourists nowadays. Also, Gangseolseot is famous for its tourist facilities and many events.

▲ Gangseolseot Sunrise Scenery

First of all, Gangseolseot has a sunrise park. In the sunrise park, there is a lighthouse, a mailbox, and a windmill. In particular, the sunrise park has a photograph zone for couples that is called "Lighthouse of Love" and in the mailbox, one can put a letter for the one they like. Also, Gangseolseot has a drama set. This drama set has been used to shoot many movies such as "Korean Peninsula", "A Flame of Desire" and "Meikwin". Now, the first floor of this drama set is used as a gallery that has amazing scenery and posters of Korean dramas. Also, the second floor is used as a cafe where people can take a rest, and the cafe has a special whale drawing on the wall.

Gangseolseot also has many events. For example, there is the sunrise festival, and it is the first place where people could play Pokemon Go in the old days. The Sunrise Festival is held every tear from December 31 to January 1. It is one of the largest festivals in South Korea, too. Every year, around 10 million people come to see the sunrise and enjoy the festival. Pokemon Go was famous to Korean people before. It could only be played in the Ulsan area around Ganseoleseot cape.

▲ The rock that was written Ganseolseot

You can come and enjoy traveling in Ulsan especially Gangseolseot. The news said that when standing from a far distance, Gangseolseot looks like a long rob. Also, Gangseolseot has been there for 100 years. Why not you try to come and visit there?


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