Rose Festival in the Town of Ulsan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-29 14:32:47

Have you ever seen roses? In the town of Ulsan, there is Rose Festival. You can see many kinds of roses and famous singers at this festival. Every year, many people visit the festival and take certification shots, too. It is celebrated from May 22 to May 26 which lasts for five days.

▲ many kinds of roses in the Rose Festival in Ulsan

The Rose Festival is held in Ulsan Grand Park, SK Ulsan, and Ulsan Metropolitan City. It's opening ceremony is at Ulsan Park South door. In the opening ceremony, you can see laser shows, parades, and fireworks display. Also, you can experience many things. First, you can see famous singers such as Jazz perfume, YB Band, and Glass Box, too. Second, you can watch a puppet show. Third, you can see many kinds of roses and take pictures.

In the festival, there are many booths. First, you can experience a rose picture contest. You only have to take pictures and submit them to the person in charge. Then, they will choose the best pictures. If you win the contest, you can receive some gifts. Second, you can visit the rose cafe. In the rose cafe, you can drink coffee and eat cookies. If you are tired, you many visit this cafe. In addition, there are many stores that sell snacks, souvenirs, and roses which have different colors and shapes.

▲ the evening in the Rose Festival

According to the Ulsan Metropolitan City website's press release, the representative of the Rose Festival in Ulsan said that this year's Ulsan Rose Festival was organized as an event where everyone participates and leads. Also, he said that he hopes many citizens will participate and bring back good memories and brighten the festival.

The main purpose of this festival, Rose Festival is that most people are busy these days, so they do not have time to see flowers. Other areas' people always visit this festival. And, they can have precious memories and experience roses' beauty with their pictures. They can upload pictures in their SNS, too. If you like roses or want to have precious memories, you should visit this festival.


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