Daihyun Middle School‘s Unique Field Day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-29 14:24:49

▲ Daihyun Middle School`s relay game

The seasons of the field day have come. Spring and Summer are here now. A lot of students are expecting and waiting for the great day, or they had already had an awesome day. But, how can a field day become different and unique? Here is how Daihyun Middle School makes the field day different.

Most of the schools around the country usually divide the students into two teams, so that there will only be two teams in the field day. This is decided by whether the number is odd or even. Then, they usually call the teams White Team and Blue Team. These two big teams compete against each other. Because the population of the team is too big, the games are played for a long time. However, if your team wins, there is only joy. Big teams mean there are many people, and the prizes for many people should be bigger than normal. So there are usually no prizes if you divide teams in this way. Also, if upper grades yell at younger ones, the atmosphere can be very awkward.

However, Daihyun Middle School is different from this. The administration does not divide the teams It is just class versus class. The players that compete are in the same grade. This reduces the length of the time in each game. However, because there are many teams, the classes have a short time to participate in the game. Nonetheless, students enjoy the day even if they are not playing the game.

▲ Classes lined up wearing their unique clothes

There are much more advantages and disadvantages to the method used by Daihyun Middle School. First of all, there are prizes. Since there is less number of people in one team, the school can give prizes to the teams. the first, second, and best cheer-leading teams can get prizes. This makes the atmosphere more exciting and tensed at the same time. Secondly, every class can show their unique style. They are allowed to wear class shirts. Sometimes, there are unique and weird shirts that make everyone laugh. This makes the memory more valuable and more unforgettable.

Can you see how Daihyun Middle School's small change makes a difference? Not dividing teams into two can be a way to change the field day. Surely, the students can make unforgettable memories on that day.


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