Sinjeong Middle School Students‘ Final Test대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-21 14:17:24

Final tests are familiar to all students in South Korea. In South Korea, there are two big tests in one semester, and they are the middle term and final test. Between them, I will introduce the final test. The final tests will be held from July 8th-10th. The students in first, second and third grades will take the tests in their classroom.

▲ student who is studying for final test


Park, a first grade student in Sinjeong Middle School, said that it will be his first final test in middle school. Since the result will not be reflected in his academic grade, he will take the test comfortably. Lee, a second grade student in Sinjeong Middle school, said that he studies hard for the final tests. It is because the second grade and third grade's test results will be reflected in the academic grades. So, he will prepare perfectly for the final tests. Kim, a third grade student in Sinjeong Middle school, said that she will start studying for the final tests all night. It is because next year, she will go to high school. So, she will study hard for the final tests for her to be able to go to a good high school.

Here is the schedule for the final test. On July 8th, the first grade and third grade students will take ethics and math. The second grade students will take math and information. On July 9th, the first grade and second graders will take Korean, science, and Chinese; while the third graders take Korean, science and history. On the last day, the first grade and third grade students will take English, social studies, technology, and home economics.

▲ students who are taking a final test

As the final tests are approaching, many students are worried. So, they are studying hard in preparation for the tests.

By Do Ye Jun


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