The Fun Things We Do in School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-16 16:46:46

Have you ever participated in any arts events in school or academy? School arts events may be familiar to students because they have special things. The school arts festival is usually celebrated by all students.

▲ Many students are exciting in art festival

Yee Jin Mok, a poor student in Dongbaek Elementary School, said that he loves to sing a song and dance in the festival, and he knows that many of his classmates want to do it. So, he thinks to present in duo or squad with them, but his teacher said that the best student will do a solo. However, he does not do well in singing and dancing. So, he has to practice whenever he is free. He just cannot wait to do it.

To hold this huge event, Dongbaek Elementary School has to go through complex processes. They have to rent stage props and train the students. This is given attention by Dongbaek elementary education committee to make a decision of holding a similar event once a year. The huge expenses for the event are fund-raised by all the teachers in the school, and some of them are from the fee of the students.

▲ Four students are doing art festival

Despite all the positive impacts that the school committee generates, there are suggestions that the school arts festival should be removed because it can just cause trouble. Because of school work, children may have no time to practice, and they do not have enough time to do other things. Some say that the activities of the festival such as a sports tournament and academic competition should replace the art event to reduce the possibility of accidents. However, students in all grades do not consider it a problem because they all enjoy it.

By Oh Seoung Hwan


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