The Shutdown Law대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-16 16:40:37

These days, many teens are playing computer or mobile phone games. By this, many experts and people say that if they become addicted, what should they do? Being addicted to an online game could be dangerous. Some experts say that people who get addicted to online games have become violent, and they can not do their daily life well. However, for them, playing an online game can help them relieve their stress.

What is Shutdown Law? Shutdown law is a law stating that children under 16 years old cannot play a game from 12:00 am to 6:00 am. The law emphasizes that because of the phone or computer games, many teens could not do their daily life. It is true that many teens are addicted to playing phone games. They can be categorized into two. One is those who play a game after doing their works, and the other one is those who play a game without doing their works. Some even choose to finish playing late at night. However, with the implementation of Shutdown law, they could not do this anymore. Thus, this law could help them control their mind. Many people say that being addicted to playing online games is bad.

▲ blocking after 12:00 am to 6:00 am

On the other hand, there are people who are against the implementation of Shutdown law. In South Korea, we should obey any law. It is stated in article 10 of the constitution that each person who lives in South Korea has the right to pursue his or her happiness. 

However, the limitation given to those who play an online game could take some people's right to pursue their happiness. Plus, these days' games, programming, and technology of development of computer are upgraded, so many teens have a dream to have these jobs.

▲ rights to pursue happiness

As Shutdown Law contradicts the existing law, and people have different talents and choices, so we better not implement Shutdown law anymore.

By Woo-yeup Kim


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