Moon Jae-in, the Most Influential Figure in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-16 16:25:14

Moon Jae-in is the president of South Korea, who has favored a peaceful reunification between North Korea and South Korea. He was elected as the president even though it was not on election day because of the former president, Park Geun-hye, was impeached by citizens. In spite of a chaotic situation, Moon Jae-in became a good leader in South Korea.

Moon Jae-in was born with refugee parents from North Korea. So, when he was a child, he was so poor and was also known as a problematic child in his school. However, he recovered consciousness and devoted himself to his studies. He became so smart that he was qualified to study at Seoul University, which is a prestigious university in South Korea but with his family's circumstance, he could not go to Seoul University. One day, Moon Jae-in met the president of Kyung-hee University, and he suggested to Moon Jae-in to enter in Kyung-hee University with an agreement of providing him a scholarship for four years. Then, he decided to go to Kyung-hee University. One day, during his school days at Kyung-hee University, he heard about Chun Doo-Whan, who was the president at that time, was doing despotic government. Moon Jae-in decided to protest to him but while he was protesting to Chun Doo-Whan, he was caught and brought to a prison. When he was in prison, he was informed that he passed the bar examination. After he became free, he worked as a politician and finally became the president of South Korea.

Moon Jae-in is resolving the nuclear crisis with North Korea in a peaceful manner and contributing to opening talks with North Korea. Also, it is said that Moon Jae-in has been pivotal in arranging talks between President Trump and North Korea's Kim Jeong-En at Fortune Magazine.

▲ Moon Jae-in and Kim Jeong-En with their wife at the Baek-doo Mountain (

He boosted the minimum wage and speedily enacted reforms aimed at creating a fairer economy. He said that peace is what should be put as the most priority. He added that after peace is established, unification will come naturally at some point. The prerequisite for peace is denuclearization at the interview with Fox news.

▲ Moon Jae-in interviewing with Fox news (source:cheong wa dae

Moon Jae-in, the president of South Korea, did many things in Korea's politics. He was chosen as one of the Time Magazine's 100 most influential people in 2018. At the same day, Fortune Magazine revealed that President Moon was ranked fourth on the Fortune's list of the World's 50 greatest leaders. He is an influential figure not only in South Korea but also in the whole world now.


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