The North Korea nuclear issue대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-03 11:42:37

 In fact, in order to peacefully lead the North Korea’s nuclear issue, the U.S. and South Korea must acknowledge the fact there must be a reasonable reason behind North Korea’s insistence on pursuing the nuclear programs from their point of view. 

 In order to establish a peace regime that North Korea can agree to freeze its nuclear programs, promises of the phased implementation of U.S. policy changes regarding the normalization of North Korea’s diplomatic relations, presence of U.S. troops in South Korea or its nature will be essential. Therefore, we think the U.S. should also be under obligations of international legal bindings for peace establishment on the Korean peninsula and a need for a peace treaty to define them. 

 The reason why the West and East Germany was able to unify suddenly was that they were both willing to share constitutional values through mutual exchanges. If there is a peace treaty between the two Koreas and UN’s sanctions become lifted, North Korea will not only be able to trade with South Korea but countries all over the world. And when these exchanges continue, the ideological gap between the two will be narrowed and our long-lasting wish of unification can happen.

 The South Korean government has officially announced the approval of the businessmen to visit the Kaesong Industrial Complex and expansion of the food aid with their intention of sending a message of wanting a conversation. 

 As the U.S. and North Korea could not reach an agreement at the last summit in Hanoi, the road ahead will for sure not be smooth. However, we support the long journey ahead for the complete denuclearization and establishment of permanent peace on the Korean peninsula.  


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