Solutions for the Fine Dust대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-03 11:38:44

 I showered today. How about you? I hope you did too. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. We care about our hygiene, but how much do we care about the earth's hygiene. The mask has become one of the necessities for contemporary man as the air pollution is getting worse. The World Health Organization chose air pollution as the most health-threatening factor and they estimated 7million people to die every year. Indeed, the fine dust has emerged as the environmental problem that needs immediate national resolution. 

 Before our team proposes the potential solutions, let me ask you a question. How much do you know about the fine dust? We plan to figure out what this fine dust is. 

 Depending on the size, it is divided as total dust when the particles are under 50 micrometer and fine dust when much smaller. Then again, the fine dust is divided as fine dust when the diameter is under 10 micrometer and very fine dust when under 2.5 micrometers. Now we know what fine dust is, but how can these tiny things possibly harm us? 

 The harm caused by fine dust can largely be separated into three criteria: human, ecosystem, and industry. Let’s find out how fine dust affects the human body. First, the fine dust is a type 1 carcinogen designated by WHO. The negative effects of the fine dust on the human body are countless. 

 In the case of an ecosystem, the fine dust causes acid rain that makes the soil and water to become acidic. Fine dust causes soil degradation, destruction of ecosystem and damage to forest trees and other vegetation. 

 The fine dust also has a negative effect on industrial activities. The semiconductor and display industry are very sensitive to dust as only one dust particle size of 0.1 micrometer is allowed in a 30-centimeter-wide space. Therefore, the defect rate increases sharply if exposed to fine dust. 


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