Solutions for the Fine Dust대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-03 11:36:52

 Borrowing the expression from David Void, who is an UN special investigator on human rights and environment, what can we do to solve this ‘invisible but silent and deadly killer’? Although experts do not perfectly agree on this matter, one of the biggest reasons for South Korea’s fine dust is from China’s influence. However, when we look at the political perspective, South Korea and China is at an 'asymmetric situation'. In this situation, the side that is causing damage feels there is no need to solve this problem. Thus, the experts say it is up to Korea to bring China to the path of resolution.

 Therefore, we propose a method to cooperate environmentally with China that we teenagers can participate. This is how we are going to do it. The teenage volunteers are selected from both countries. For primary activity, the representatives from both countries will plant trees in areas where fine dust is most prevalent. Next, we will invite the Chinese teenagers to remind them how we desperately need a solution. Lastly, the possible solutions will be sought through debate. If these exchanges become a lasting event rather than a one-off, we can expect not only to enhance the bond between the two countries' teenagers, but also to increase the level of intimacy between the two countries.

 There is no effective solution to solve this matter in a short period of time. If we focus only on the fact that Chinese fine dust causes harm to Korea, it is easy to miss both countries’ common interests. We believe it is important to go beyond the offender and victim framework and look at this matter with a new perspective to cooperatively deal with each other to find a solution. Only after such long-term efforts are made over and over, only then, the blue sky will appear above our heads again.


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