Is the Settlement between Korean Japanese Relationship Necessary?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-03 11:34:19

 Recently, there was an incident where a famous Japanese member of a K-pop group had to go through rough time after uploading about Reiwa(레이와), the Japanese era name on her SNS account. 

 The high interest among the two nations on the Japanese Korean relationship is not a recent topic. The athletes are certainly more pressured during the Korea-Japan match as there is even a saying in Korean, a rock paper scissor match must be won against Japan. Indeed, the Korean Japanese relationship is quite serious and sensitive matter to talk about. But we have chosen this topic because this problem has not been solved over the past years and certainly a topic where we all should pay attention to.

 From 1910 to 1945, the Japanese have colonialized Korea. During this time, the Japanese has not only exploited our country’s resources but violated our basic human rights. Besides, it is endless to list all the crimes the Japanese have committed ranging from the infamous biological experiment to numerous slaughters of innocent civilians. However, Japanese has not admitted its crimes in the past as they merely tried to compensate the 35-year long pain through money. Not only this, the Japanese government has been politically using the relationship.

 Japan was an economic power number 2 in total GDP right after the United States. However, the status as Asia’s leader has long been surpassed by China. The continuation of the economic depression plus the distrust of the government from the Japanese led to the failure of Abe’s election on April 21st who has been successful in every single election held in the past. One way that Abe’s regime tried to break through was to ‘attack Korea’ as the support of the government rose every single time there was a conflict between the two nations. 


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