Is the Settlement between Korean Japanese Relationship Necessary?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-03 11:32:51

 We believe the settlement of the Korea Japanese relationship is a must, however, the process must be very cautious and wise. Thus, we propose two opinions in terms of the biggest keywords in the relationship: Dokdo and comfort women. 

 First, the Dokdo problem must be solved by persuading Japan to abandon the lawsuit at the International Court of Justice. We must perform a principled response toward the Japanese intention of making Dokdo a disputed area. At the same time, we must find ways to have Dokdo as the way it is through compromise. Our government must plan a diplomatic roadmap to arouse international opinion.

 Second, in order to solve the comfort women problem, we must find sagacious ways. In Japan, there is a strong opinion where forced labor issues and comfort women problem has been resolved. However, many victims have not healed and are still wounded in the heart. The Japanese government would probably want to avoid the comfort women to become internationally publicized as it would negatively affect the Japanese image. Thus, we must try to consult with Japan through a joint committee but at the same time, we must have a plan B in order to pressure Japan through international solidarity.

 Since 1965, the two countries have established diplomatic ties for 54 years, but there was not a single time where the two countries had a quiet day. We are not trying to say to forget all the crimes Japan has committed in the past. However, when we respond emotionally and the tension rises between the two countries, we must remember the person who gets the benefit the most during the national conflict is Abe. Therefore, our government must not be tricked by Japan but make a prudent and serious diplomatic strategy for the sake of national interest.


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