Solutions for the Fine Dust대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-03 11:30:40

 The WHO warns nine out of ten people in the world is being influenced by air pollution, and approximately more than seven million people are dying every year. The countries all over the world are putting their best effort to solve this invisible but deadly silent killer. 

 One of the solutions in Korea is ‘Alternative no-driving day policy’. This policy is put into effect if the level of fine dust concentration is above a certain point. However, many experts agree how solely implementing this policy will not lead to decrease in the fine dust level. Many vehicles such as emergency public service and eco-friendly cars are excluded. Only 16% of the cars in Seoul have participated.

 Thus, we believe there must be an expansion of the public bike services that can be implemented in correlation with the ‘alternative no-driving day policy’ can reduce fine dust more effectively. There are already examples such as Seoul’s 따릉이 and Changwon’s 누비자 that are operated by the local governments. However, the related laws, and promotions for the user benefits fall short.

 For this industry to grow, first there must be an enactment of laws to protect the users. It is mandatory for bicycles to wear safety helmets, but this may be why commuters are reluctant to use them. So, it is predicted to be more effective and safer to limit the speed of the bicycles to 20 kilometers. 

 Second, benefits must be provided to the users. One way is to reduce tax for those who commute over certain amount of distance. It is also important to provide direct benefits. To place the traffic light system from bicycles to cars to allow the bicycles users to move faster is a good example.

 Lastly, promotions to change the perception of bikes are needed. Bicycles have been considered more of leisure than a means of transportation. Therefore, active promotions are required such as recruiting teenage supporters in the public bicycle industry and various activities to gradually make bicycle use part of life.

 Velib in Paris has reduced the amount of ultrafine dust concentration 38% from 2002 to 2017. In fact, experts predict a decrease of 12% in fine dust level if 10% of Seoul population use bikes. Korea ranks 4th in ultrafine dust pollution among OECD countries. In addition to the reduction of fine dust from implementing public bicycles service, shared economy, the main keyword of the Fourth Industrial Revolution can be realized, and the value of the community can be expanded through this way.


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