Solutions for the Fine Dust대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-03 11:28:28

 Are you fine with the fine dust? Because it is not fine. The high concentration of fine dust with fog makes Seoul seem to pop out of a dystopian novel. Indeed, the fine dust that is threatening our health is continuing to hold every day. The WHO chose air pollution as the most health-threatening factor. They estimated 7million people to die every year.

 The cause of fine dust can be categorized into natural and artificial, but in most cases, it is from artificial. The fine dust usually occurs from cars, incineration, and construction. Also, not only domestically but pollution from foreign countries affect our atmosphere. According to the study, about 50% of air pollutants came from abroad. 

 As it is difficult to determine a single cause of fine dust, we believe both domestic and international policies should be implemented at the same time. So, we prepared 4 solution keywords with FINE.

 F stands for designation of Find Dust Day. We are pretty sure all of you had experience writing or drawing about science during school. By designating a fine dust day and holding various activities, it is important that everyone in the country, especially the youth, promotes a habitual perception of the seriousness of fine dust. 

 I stand for improving existing policies. The diesel cars are ranked number 1 in contributing to the emission of ultrafine dust in Seoul. The Seoul city has an ordinance regarding diesel cars. However, 72% of old diesel cars are from Incheon and Gyeonggi, and these two areas have no ordinance decreasing its effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the existing policies that link with the local governments.

 N stands for nurturing vertical forest. The vertical forest is growing lots of trees to absorb the greenhouse gases at the city’s skyscrapers. In fact, China is implementing a project to transform a building forest to wood forest. When this eco-city is completed, around 57 tons of air pollutants will decrease. As the city has less space to grow plants, we believe using the skyscrapers to purify the air is an excellent model. 

 E stands for environmental cooperation with China. As more than half of Korea’s contribution of fine dust are found to be from foreign countries, the environmental agreements with China is an important task. Also, we would have to raise our voice against China if necessary.

 For certain, fine dust is a disaster. There might be plan B, however, there is no planet B. We believe it is time for everyone to act for our and future generation’s right to breath clean air. Like our team name, we hope the air and our future will be a fine world.


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