The Cause and Solution of Korea Fine Dust Problem대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-03 10:22:42

 Today, people are arguing about South Korea’s fine dust problem and whether China is the main cause of Korea’s pollution. Some people claim that around 70 percent of Korea’s fine dust comes from China. Others say that a substantial portion of fine dust is produced by Korea itself.

 Korea wants to emphasize that solving Korea’s pollution problem will require cooperation from China. Korea’s air pollution has gotten worse in recent years. Gray smog chokes the Korean peninsula with shocking regularity. Breathing masks have become an essential part of many Korea people’s wardrobes. The experts of fine dust mentioned without China’s cooperation, Korea will never be able to solve its fine dust problem. China says that Korea should look inward to solve its pollution problem. Some recent reports have even suggested that Korea’s air pollution may make its way to China and cause problems for China. Although China agrees that the issue of air pollution is a problem that both countries need to solve, they disagree that they are the main source of Korea’s air pollution. According to Chinese newspaper articles, China tells that Korea needs to stop playing the victim and take more responsibility. In terms of The Korean government, Korea showed their position that they don’t think it is all Chinese problem. But they say it is the right time not to blame each other but to solve this problem together. China has the same problem so that it is necessary to strengthen cooperation between them. But senior Chinese officials argued that air pollution was a regional problem and that South Korea should put more effort to solve its own problems in large cities like Seoul. 

 A lot of Korean say China is just trying to avoid their possible responsibility about dangerous fine dust in Korea. Korea is one of their very important exporting countries, so China should listen to Korea in order to make a little one to a big conflict between neighbor countries. Environmentalists judge that Korea should try to hire more experts to reduce air pollution and keep developing a domestic solution. Raising air purification plant was a positive way in this situation. The most important from the expert is that China and Korea have to cooperate to solve this serious problem. 


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