Young parents kill a child due to neglect 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-28 16:22:14
  • 수정 2019-06-28 16:22:34

On June 2, a 7-month-old the baby was found in a box by her grandfather. The baby had already died. He went to the home because he couldn't contact his daughter(the baby's mother). In the living room, there was a box that the baby was in. He reported to the police after finding the dead baby. Surprisingly, it seemed that she didn’t eat anything for several days. It is suspected that she died between May 25 and 31.

The baby’s death was caused by her parents. On May 23, after they had a fight, the mother left the house. Afterward, the father left. The baby was alone for 25 hours. The father came back home, but it was only for a short time. The mother also returned to the home at night and fed the baby powdered milk. On May 25, she left the home again. Their child was left with their two dogs for 6 days. The dogs also couldn’t eat anything. After they learned that the baby died, they left her and went out of the home. They insisted that they applied ointment to their baby because she had a scar from when their dog scratched her after putting her to sleep and going to the market on May 30th. Also, they said they fed her powdered milk and put her to sleep. When they woke up the next day, the baby was already dead. However, the CCTV results show their statement is a lie. When the truth came out, they said they believed that the other would take care of her.

▲ mother and father of dead baby

The mother uploaded daily on Facebook. She enjoyed her life with partying while her child was alone. After she learned that her baby died, she uploaded the post: "Three straight days, only bad happens." with a curse. The netizens that know her crime expressed their anger. Some said that the young couple cannot raise the child well because the mother is 18 years old and the father is 21 years old.

▲ Mother’s facebook, uploaded a picture of drinking party during a baby is alone


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