New Satellite Development in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-28 15:42:47

▲ South Korea will design three middle-sized satellites

The South Korean government is going to invest 300 million won to make three satellites that will be finished in 2025. These new satellites will be used in practical purposes such as disaster plan and analysis of national territory. It seemed that they will improve the country's knowledge about space and develop the next generation of satellites.

▲ Korea is also going to develop their own space launch vehicle

The first satellite, NO. 4, can observe a very wide field of view of 120 km and is going to be launched in 2023. It will be used for researching agricultural products and changing forest resource management. Moreover, Satellite No. 3 will be launched by South Korea as a space launch vehicle in 2021. It is planned to be used for the research of aerospace and examination of the ability of vehicle in launching a satellite. Satellite No. 5's development will begin in 2022, and it will take part in a stream and marine environment management. Through these three satellites, people prospect the development by a private organization. This can affect largely South Korea's aerospace technology.

▲ NARO-3, the first Korean technology satellite

In the past, South Korea launched three satellites. First, KITSAT-1 was launched in 1992, but it was made by the technology of the United Kingdom. Also, it was launched in France as an assistant satellite. It can just communicate and take pictures. The next is Mugunghwa-1. It was also made with the help of another country. However, it was launched to the geostationary orbit for the first time. It can manage satellite broadcasting and relay. Finally, NARO-3 is the first Korean technology satellite. It was made in 2009, but it failed to go into the orbit.

In this sense, the development of these three satellites is a very impressive challenge. If we succeed in this project, we can be a country that can make and launch our own satellite.

June 13th, 2019

by 장유진


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