Trump‘s New National Security Adviser a Soldier-scholar, H.R. McMaster대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-11 23:03:30

Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, so-called a soldier-scholar, has been chosen as a national security adviser by President Donald Trump on February 20, 2017 at President Donald Trump's private club, Florida, U.S. He is a soldier who fought in both Iraq wars and wrote an influential book titled Dereliction of Duty that called out the U.S. government for "lies" that led to Vietnam War.

 After the resignation of the predecessor, Michael. T. Flynn by the case of Russia, the role of the national security adviser was acted by acting national security adviser, Keith Kellogg. However, now, President Donald Trump selected McMaster as the new national security adviser. He called McMaster "a man of tremendous talents and tremendous experiences" when he introduced McMaster as the new national security adviser.

 At first, President Donald Trump nominated some people as the candidated for the new national security adviser. They are Robert L. Caslen, John. R. Bolton, Keith Kellogg, and H.R. McMaster. After interviewing these people, Trump decided to choose H.R. McMaster as the new national security adviser. Keith Kellogg will be nominated as the national security adviser's executive secretary. Then, John. R. Bolton will be nominated to another important position in the U.S. government.

 McMaster said a forthright statement to his superiors without hesitation. This character of McMaster makes some people hostile to him. However, in the military, he had a good reputation as an excellent soldier and as a soldier-scholar. The Republicans and the Democratics also agree with the appointment of McMaster. This shows that all assembly accepted the capability of McMaster. However, there are concerns about his behaviors. The possibility of clash between him and Trump is the reason. He has hostile mind to Russia, and his character makes him not to speak just good words to Trump. This appointment leads to the focus of the world.

 March 31st, by SON JIWOO


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