How far does the power, Kakao Talk대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-11 22:53:57


    In South Korea, there will be a presidential election on May 9th. These days, in South Korea, 42 million people use Kakao Talk. So, to introduce the presidential candidates, Kakao Talk presented that they will offer them to Kakao Talk Plus Friend.

     By using it, we can learn about their policy, pledge, schedule and many others. The function was used in 2012, during the 18th presidential election. At that time we could not do direct communication with the candidates. However, Kakao Talk added the function to communicate with them directly.

     People who use Kakao Talk to collect information about them said that it is nice to convey and share the data easily with friends. Also, the candidates can attract people via mobile. It is mutually beneficial for us.

     To add the candidates on plus friend, just search the candidate's name. We can add them by sharing Plus Friend's Kakao Talk massages. Kakao Talk announced that they will support the candidate's Plus Friend by linkaging with many other services. In an official election campaign, they will give an exposure of the candidate's Plus Friend on Kakao Talk channel tab and Daum election feature page.

March 31st, by LEE DONGHYEON


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