Korean Pop Music대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-10 18:53:17

Since the past, we have been listening to music because it relaxes our body and makes us feel good. Nowadays, many Korean musicians spread Korean pop music all around the world. It is a kind of Korean Wave. Then, let us know the history and the success of Korean pop music.

▲ It is poster to infrom Korean Wave.

Korean pop music started in the late 1990s. It started developing the culture of music and dramas, so it was the first period to spread Korean pop music. For example, hip-pop musicians including Seo Tae Gi and Children spread K-pop to different countries. In the 2000s, many Korean pop musicians spread Korean pop music all around the world. Many people in the world love to listen to Korean music because it is so beautiful. Many Korean pop musicians including Boa and DongBangShingi tried to spread Korean pop music all around the world. Nowadays, BTS made Korean music to spread all around the world, and their music is on the Billboard.

▲ It is the audition program which competes one another to collect one group.

Most K-pop music includes dance, hip-hop, rock, and electronic music. Also, K-pop musicians sing and dance. However, it is not a thing to succeed in the world. They have things to attract people. First, they practice for a long time. Most of them practice for three to even ten years. Also, they still practice even after they became famous musicians. They even practice harder because it is important that they appear on television or smartphones.

There was an interview with Kim Hun Sic, who is one of the Public culture Critics. He said that musicians are all required to have good personalities, abilities, and even appearance. They spread Korean music all around the world. The three things which are personalities, abilities, appearance are the impetus of success.

In conclusion, many people lose to listen to music for a long time, and our Korean music is spread all around the world because of BTS and some other famous musicians. It is really our country's a big benefit to promote our Korean music.


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