Guyeong Middle School‘s Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-10 18:32:34

Nowadays, there are many chances to make a certain project in school. In my school we make a project instead of just having a lesson. Also, many schools are going on a school trip soon. Most students will go on a field trip in April or May. In the past, it was just a trip for fun, but now it is linked to a school's project class. I am going to introduce one school which implements a project class. Guyeong Middle School implements for the first grade students the project, 'Making Travel Route'.

▲ They are doing project lesson.

Guyeong Middle School is going on go a school trip on April 24th to 26th. So, in

the first grade's social studies class, they do the project, 'Making Travel Route'. Guyeong Middle School is going to go a school travel to Jeollabukdo. This project started last week, and it is continuing now, too. After this project, it will be rated by their social studies' teacher and be recorded to a student record book. Also, if the project's content is very great, the teacher will accept the route and put in the official course of a school travel.

▲ It is the mark of Guyeong Middle School.

The project is proceeding as a group project. The group member's number is four to six students. We should finish this project until next week. However, there are already finished teams are majority. Also, for doing this project, students can use smartphone and computer to search the important and necessary information.

In the interview, one student said that it was a great chance to know about Jeollabukdo and its attraction, natural view, history, and cultural assets. Also, this project is fun. Lastly, many students are wondering whether teachers accept their opinion or not.


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