The Ulsan Whale Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-03 16:21:11

Are here some typical festivals in the local community in your area? In Ulsan, there is a whale festival which is the Ulsan Whale Festival that is unfamiliar to some people. However, this festival is special for local community because Ulsan is famous for wahels, and there are so many entertainments to enjoy with family. It is held every year and is celebrated for three days, from June 7th to 9th. Moreover, this festival will hold its 25th anniversary this year.
In the Ulsan Whale Festival, there are entertainments that are related to whales. It is held in Jangsaengpo Village, and there are different things to enjoy such as the whale cruise, museum, and the whale show. In addition to that, you can enjoy the flea market, performances, whale-drawing exhibition, food trucks, and booths.

▲ The picture of the Ulsan Whale Festival at night sourced by naver

In this year, the Ulsan Whale Festival will be in its 25th year, so people can experience a lot more in this festival. One of the participants who took part in the 2018 Ulsan Whale Festival said that there was a variety of entertainments which he enjoyed with his family. Besides it, he said was a good time to know more about whales. Also, the office manager of this festival, Kim Jin Gu, said that he included in the event the people's opinion, and all people can participate in it. He said that the festival could have a better quality this year.

▲ The poster of the Ulsan Whale Festival in 2019 sourced by naver

The Ulsan Whale Festival was chosen as a symbol of the local community in Ulsan. In 2019, the festival is selected at the culture and tourism Development Festival for two years in a row by passing through the examination guidelines, the festival's contents, development, effect, management, and ten more details. With this structure, the festival can receive funds and consultation in the Korea Tourism Organization.
The purpose of the Ulsan Whale Festival is to make the people enjoy the festival more by participating as subjects. The festival started in 1995, so people have already enjoyed it a lot, and it can even be developed more as the years go by.


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