What Do You Think About Job Changes Due to Low Birth Rates and the 4th Industrial Revolution?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-03 16:18:24

Nowadays, because of the developing of artificial intelligence technology and the fourth industrial revolution's development, there are also changes in terms of occupations. A teacher is one of the jobs that are disappearing. There is less need for teachers due to low birth rates. However, since there are many applicants, they should wait even if they pass the employment examination. So, I interviewed my school principal, Lee Bong-ae, to find out more about her job as a teacher.

When I asked her about how to become a teacher, she then said, "To become a teacher, I have to study hard and pass the employment examination and study, more so I was very tired. Now, I was sad that this job is disappearing." In addition, jobs that require creativity or can only be done by humans, such as psychologists and artistic professionals, will continue steadily. However, these days, jobs that require technical aspects will be replaced by machines with a 99 percent change.

▲ -the principal`s greeting

Next, I asked her what does she want to achieve as our school's principal, she said, "I want to provide many opportunities for students like busking. As a principal, I want to improve my school's old place, experience and learn more about career paths and jobs. I want to produce Changgyeong children who are expanding to a wider area."

Now, we are briefly plagued by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the terrifying development of artificial intelligence, commensurate with the term." Regardless of this, if we set a standard point and continue our development, we will be able to develop Earth into a better planet for life without polluting the environment, but without causing much confusion.


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