기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-05-31 15:02:43

Many people in the world go to theaters to watch a movie. There are many famous movies in the world like the Harry Potter series. There is a fantastic movie about heroes. It is the Avengers series made by the company of Marvel. This movie is always loved by people because it has a solid story. Marvel has big scale movies. Its stories usually include heroes fighting with villains and saving the Earth. For these reasons, many people wait for this movie.

▲ the logo of the Avengers

The Avengers was made in 2008, and the first movie is the story about Iron Man. This character is the main character in the series. Then, Marvel made many movies about the other characters such as Captin America and Hulk. This movie is adapted from the Avengers, comics so when people want to know the next story, people search the comic book and read the story. This series of the movie has a difference from the other series of the movie. This movie has two types of story, the story of the characters and the story of the Avengers team.

▲ the picture of the characters in the movie of Avengers

The main characters are Iron Man and Captin America. Their movies were made in 2008, so these characters are more famous than other characters. Also, they act as leaders in the team, and they always fight because of the conflict of opinion. The other characters are Black Panther, Natasha, Spider-Man, Ant-Man, Hulk, Thor and many more. They have their own ability. Some ability is innate. However, others' ability is newly made such as Iron Man and Spider-Man.

▲ the posters of the series of Avengers

Avengers is the most famous movie around the world. Because this movie has good actors, stories, and a bog scale, many people love to watch this movie. People believe the Avengers is the best.


By Sebin Hwang


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