At Sudden Picnic: Rental Service대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-05-31 12:08:47

When we go on a picnic, we may wake up early and he exhausted packing for the picnic. It will be tiring, hard, and too costly. To prepare a basket may not be pretty. Also, too many people in the park will bother you to make a mood, and you may want the picnic on the spur of the moment. These days, thriving picnic in Han River has developed picnic industries, so we can decrease disadvantages of packing at home and having a sudden picnic through picnic rental service.

There are many rental shops around Hangang Park because thriving picnic makes people more comfortable at going on a picnic. In the basic service of rental, tents, shade, canopies, fordable chairs and tables are provided at the cost of 15,000 won. We can rent them easily at the shop. Just make reservation online or visit the rental shop. They give us a vehicle to carry our burden. Moreover, some shops do delivery and pick up service. Cost and rental time are different in each shop, but most shops around Han River lend a tent at a cheap price. Also, there are some rules when you borrow them. You can use it in only designed zone, you cannot use the service after 7 p.m., and you should open the tent in two sides. So, I recommend the basic tent service for your privacy.

▲ Picnic with tent under the shade

Second, we can also borrow a picnic basket. It includes plates, cups, pots, and cutlery. This is sold out fast, so I recommend to make a reservation online. You can get this from 20000 won to 30000 won and it you want more items, you just pay an extra fee. These will help you make a mood. In addition, you can borrow the tent and the picnic basket as a set.

▲ Picnic baskets: make a mood

Travel enthusiasts say that they want picnic culture like in South Korea, and this culture will be more developed. You can make a memorable picnic at Hangang Park and leave Instagrammable pictures.

May 11th, 2019

by 하윤오


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