Peace Train Music Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-12 11:25:24

These days, many music festivals are held, and many people enjoy many kinds of music. Also, many people like music festivals because they can enjoy many kinds of music. Among these festivals, there is one special music festival. It is "Peace Train Music Festival". This festival is famous and popular for many people. It is because this music festival holds near DMZ, and you can enjoy many different things here.
First, "Peace Train Music Festivals is held in Goseokjeong Pavilion, labor Party office, and Wolieongli station. It is held from June 7th to June 9th. Also, you have to reserve for free in an online store to enjoy this festival. After the reservation, you can get a flower palanquin, but it has a fee. In the music festival, you can enjoy Korean culture. Today, South Korea is divided into two nations, but in this music festival, people sing about peace and one Korea. Also, this festival's purpose is to transcend political, economic, ideological freedom and peace through music.

▲ people enjoy Dmz Peace Train Music Festival

Second, at this festival, you can enjoy many things. You can enjoy many kinds of music. It is because the lineup of performers is wonderful. For example, there is Hyuk Oh, Jannabi, and Sultan of the disco. Also, you can enjoy Goseokjong Land. This land is like a small amusement park, so you can enjoy many rides. Moreover, there are many snacks such as corn, bacon beef burger, and hot dog burger. If you have your adult card, you can have a beer, too.
In conclusion, this "Peace Train Music Festival" has very good activities to enjoy, and also there are many famous and popular musicians and artists to watch. There are many snacks, too. So, if you want a little different free music festival, how about you come and enjoy this music festival?

▲ invitation card from Dmz Peace Train Music Festival


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