Fashion Is Getting Combined with Others대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-05-16 10:43:13

Nowadays, fashion is not just choosing a nice outfit or picking cute shoes. Some think fashion is uninhibited, but others consider it an inhibited field. People are mixing this fashion with other areas, such as music, collaboration making with the tattoo artist, and ambiguity between art and fashion. People are having fashion mixed up with other kinds of areas.
For example, with the collaboration with the tattoo artist, the first collection was sold out only in a week.

Another example is a store named Token where a bunch of various items including clothes was displayed. A token is a place where it makes vaguely define the meanings of both art and fashion. Some of the most attractive items at Token are from artists who dabble in clothing, like Jos Garvey, whose T-shirt designs are surreptitiously threnodic. It is making both meanings and line between art and fashion dimly. Moreover, the dress sequel has a meaningful cause in it, in which the dress sequel has joined hands with Exploit No More, which is struggling to end child sex trafficking. Not only the worthwhile cause, but also, it provides many opportunities for people who want to purchase, and it gives many other job experiences. In addition, the festival of music presented by MSU students, gala admittance is free, and attendees are encouraged to wear their best 1920s inspired outfits.
Anna Osmekina, an establisher of the brand "Ttswtrs", spoke to WWD about her brand telling sometimes during conversations with a tattoo artist or just staring through their works, that she started to imagine the kind of bodies she would place certain designs on. Moreover, she and her brand tattooist had launched a demi-couture line "Alice In Ink," which also showed success and was immediately sold to Les Suites in Paris. The dress sequel has returned for the second year, and the shop is even more delicate.

Shoppers, who work in scenes are getting a great deal while supporting a great cause within reselling the fashion.


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